Like I mentioned earlier, I think the people behind the making of this movie understood that this was meant to be a summer blockbuster. With that said, I think we should move on. Name one thing the second sequel did better than the 'original'. Everything in this movie is better than anything Tomb of the Dragon Emperor did and I'm not even joking. Fucking what? I suppose that's neither here nor there. They won in 1995 for Babe, in 2008 (the year Tomb was released) for The Golden Compass and 2013 for Life of Pi. One of these companies, Rhythm and Hues, has won THREE Academy Awards for their visual effects. Industrial Light and Magic did the effects for this movie while, for Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, was done by two different companies. How in the fuck is this possible? That a movie that is NINE years older than its 2008 sequel has better special effects? Well, that's an answer that is easily answered.
#The mummy returns movie cgi skin#
And yet Imhotep, a high priest who has been cursed for eternity by a pharaoh, looks better when he is accidentally brought back from the dead and he is, quite literally, just very little skin and mostly bones. Those yetis in the third movie looked downright awful. Hell, even the special effects hold up better than those in the third movie. But I do think that the cast and crew understood what this was meant to be and they worked hard to achieve that goal to make this movie as fun as it could possibly be. Again, I'm not suggesting that the film is a work of high art. But the fact that the movie is as fun as it is, to this day, is a testament to the quality within it. There are better popcorn movies out there, to be sure. I'm not saying it can compete with everything that we've seen since. For a movie that actually turns twenty this year (now I feel old), this has held up surprisingly well. So much more than I was actually expecting.

So, yea, spoiler alert, I legitimately enjoyed my time with this movie. The funny thing about that is that The Mummy Returns is probably not as good as this one. I also remember liking the sequel enough that my mom bought me the DVD when it came out. I remember this vividly, like it was yesterday, before the movie was started up again. I went, or my mom and aunt went, and got me a second bag of popcorn. I remember them stopping the movie (the sequel I mean) halfway through because they were having some technical difficulties. The funny thing is that I remember much less about this movie than I do remember of The Mummy Returns. The type of nostalgia I'm talking about is the one where I watch the third movie a week and a half ago and it's just not good, like, at all (it's fine, if I'm being honest) and I'm nostalgic for a considerably superior experience, even if nobody can claim that this movie, or its sequel, are any sort of amazing cinematic achievement. But it's not like I was in love with these movies or that I was obsessed with them, even as an eleven and thirteen year old (the ages I was when both films came out). I do remember really enjoying this movie and The Mummy Returns (which I'll watch tonight). Though, in this case, this is a very different type of nostalgia. That's what I can think of at this very moment.

In short, in all honesty, I think the only thing that has held up from my childhood, that I still think is great to this day, are the first two Terminator movies. To be fair, I also liked the animated show, which was much better. I also loved TMNT and the movies they were in and, of course, now I know that those films are quite likely terrible. And, to be fair, the sequels aren't exactly comparable to the original (which I did not watch at the time I watched the sequels). For example, I grew up loving the Naked Gun trilogy (and Leslie Nielsen as an extension) and I re-watched some of the old movies (the second and third) and I definitely enjoyed them, but they weren't great. I have suffered from looking at things through rose-colored glasses, as it were, from time to time. But I'm not here to talk about that, of course, I'm here to talk about nostalgia when it comes to all forms of the entertainment medium. Or complain about the younger generation. Sort of like how some people who lived through The Great Depression and World War 2 call it the good old days and lament the state of today's world. Nostalgia is both a good thing and a bad thing. I've talked about nostalgia in the past and I'll talk about it now.